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What's Your Gettysburg Passion?

If we were asked to use one word to describe visitors to Gettysburg and surrounding Adams County, that word would be PASSIONATE. You return over and over to do something new or relive the history that is Gettysburg. You bring your children, grandchildren, parents, friends and relatives. Now, during the 150th Anniversary of the American Civil War, the passion of our visitors seems to have ignited stronger.

We want to hear from you, our visitors, about your passion for Gettysburg. Send us your name, a photo of you and "your Gettysburg passion" to [email protected].

By submitting your passion, you are giving the Gettysburg Convention and Visitors Bureau permission to share your passion on our website and in our advertising, letting others know why they should come to Gettysburg.

For some, the passion will be the history, others the events, maybe antique shopping - or just the small town charm. Whatever it is, we want to hear about your passion for Gettysburg!

What is your Gettysburg Passion?
My interest in the Civil War started in high school but it wasn’t until twenty years later that I discovered Gettysburg. My husband, also a Civil War buff, took me on my first visit. The first thing we did was take the tour in the top of the double decker bus. It was a beautiful warm summer night and as we toured, the sun was setting over the battlefields.   I fell in love with Gettysburg from that moment. From then on, we visited Gettysburg at least once a year. At times, I actually felt homesick when too much time had passed between visits. As soon as we hit a certain spot coming into the town for a visit, my husband looks at me and says, “We’re home.” I always feel a little sad when our visit is over and we are heading home. 
Throughout the 18 years we’ve been visiting, we’ve made some wonderful memories that I will cherish forever.
Cindy Resavy
My parents took my brothers and me to Gettysburg when we were little.  About 8 years ago, I got the urge to go back.  Since then, I have been back 5 times a year.  There is something more than just a battlefield to Gettysburg.  I have visited many Civil War battlefields, and I don't get the same feeling as I do here.  Lincoln was correct when he stated that we can never forget what they did here.  Stand on the battlefield in the early morning or at sunset and you will feel it too.  You will never forget.
Lynn Shields Ph.D.
We almost always visit Gettysburg every summer, staying at the Quality Inn at General Lee's Headquarters. The three places I love at Gettsburg at General Pickett's Restaurant, the Lutheran Theological Seminary and the Eternal Light Peace Memorial and the view of the Battlefield area from there.
John Slaney
Charles Meeker, II
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Printed from on 3/26/2013 5:27:08 AM