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A Sacred Trust - Gettysburg Perspectives Lecture Series and Book Signing

Gettysburg 150 - A Reflection of History Event

Saturday, June 29, 2013 to Sunday, June 30, 2013

150th Event

Sponsored by the Gettysburg Foundation and Gettysburg National Military Park, A Sacred Trust:  Gettysburg Perspectives brings together renowned authors, historians, National Park Service Rangers and others to share perspectives on and commemorate the anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg.

This year's event will focus on 1863 topics and is a casual take on a formal lecture series. The diverse range of speakers and topics encourages the general public, as well as students of the Civil War, to delve deeper into the nature of the conflict that divided our nation. They are able to do so in a setting that is relaxed and conveniently located near an area where books are available for sale to satisfy the appetites whetted by presenters who are known specialists in their areas of Civil War study. The established name of the series is derived from the "sacred trust" that is the shared responsibility of current generations and serves as the cornerstone of the Gettysburg Foundation's mission - to work in partnership with the National Park Service to enhance preservation and understanding of the heritage and lasting significance of Gettysburg.

This event is FREE and open to the public at the Gettysburg National Military Park Museum & Visitors Center.

Saturday, June 29
 9:30am - Gettysburg in 4D presented by Garry Adelman
10:30am - Flumes Beyond Gettysburg: Jubul Early's March to the Susqehanna River presented by Scott Mingus, Sr.
11:30am - An Army Reborn: Lee and His Army from the Seven Days to Gettysburg presented by Jeffry Wert
12:30pm - Samuel Wilkerson's Gettysburg Address presented by Matthew Pinsker
 1:30pm - Vicksburg: Crucial to the Outcome presented by Terrence Winschel
 2:30pm - High Water Marks in the Gettysburg Campaign presented by James McPherson
 3:30pm - Cowardice at Gettysburg presented by Peter Carmichael
 4:30pm - History Through Storytelling presented by Jeff Shaara

Sunday, June 30
 9:30am - George Gordon Meade and the Gettysburg Campaign presented by Kent Masterson Brown
10:30am - Déjà vu All Over Again: Memory, Experience, and Generalship at Gettysburg presented by Brooks Simpson
11:30am - Fighting Joe and the Snapping Turtle: Commanding the Army of the Potomac in 1863 presented by Ethan Rafuse
12:30pm - We Had Only to Close our Fingers: George Meade at Williamsport, July 14, 1863 presented by Allen Guelzo
 1:30pm - Gettysburg's Missing Battle: The Case of the Vanishing Civilians presented by Margaret Creighton
 2:30pm - Lincoln and Freedom in Film and Fact, A Look at History and the Movies, Spielberg and the Civil War presented by
                Harold Holzer
 3:30pm - General Lee's Army and the Dedining Margin for Error presented by Joseph Glatthaar
 4:30pm - The Joshua Chamberlain You Didn't Know presented by Tom Desjardin

Location Information
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Phone: 1-877-874-2478 (Continental U.S. only)
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