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One of America's foremost dance ensembles to perform at the Gettysburg Festival

Philadanco is festival dance headliner

(Gettysburg, Pennsylvania) - 4/10/2009




Karen Hendricksk

PR/Marketing Director

[email protected]

(717) 334-0853

(717) 253-3553



Hailed by critics as exuberant and electrifying, modern dance powerhouse Philadanco is in the spotlight as The Gettysburg Festival’s headline dance performer, set to offer two programs on Friday, June 26.


The Gettysburg Festival, June 18-28, offers more than 100 cultural events in all genres of the arts including brass, jazz, orchestra, culinary events, theater, cabaret, dance, visual arts and children’s events. 


The Philadelphia Dance Company, affectionately known as Philadanco, has for more than three decades danced its way into the hearts of America with superlative technique, well-trained dancers and an exciting repertoire of classical and modern choreography.


“This exceptional dance company – one of Pennsylvania’s cultural treasures – is sure to deliver energetic and powerful performances at The Gettysburg Festival,” explains Festival Executive Director Alice Estrada. “From the courageous and moving story of Rosa Parks, to the thrilling excitement of modern dance – Philadanco is sure to be a festival favorite.”


A diverse and exciting evening program by the full company on Friday, June 26 offers choreography ranging from the classical genre incorporating the music of Mahler, Bach and Ravel to the modern style of dance utilizing the contemporary rhythms of Prince, Wumni Olaiya and Earth Wind and Fire. The company has been hailed by the critics as “a dance company so electric that they make you want to jump up and join in.” The 8 p.m. performance is slated for Gettysburg’s historic Majestic Theater and is preceded by a 7 p.m. presentation by Philadanco’s choreographers that will especially appeal to dance students and aficionados.


A contemporary ballet danced by six women, “Rosa” is a vivid tribute to civil rights activist Rosa Parks, who refused to sit in the segregated back of the bus in Montgomery, Ala.. The “Rosa” performance, scheduled for 10 a.m. on Friday, June 26, fulfills the festival’s mission to provide accessibility to the arts; this free event is designed especially for children as an educational component to the festival.


“Rosa communicates all loneliness,” and “the courage of those who dare to be different.  It is a treasure,” writes J. Dunning of The New York Times.  The performance is sponsored locally by the United Way of Adams County, and also made possible by grants from The Pew Charitable Trusts, Rohm & Haas and The Pennsylvania Council on the Arts.


Tickets to the June 26 evening program are available through The Majestic Theater Box Office, or (717) 337-8200. For more information on The Gettysburg Festival, visit or call (717) 334-0853.