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Seton Legacy of Charity Medal Award Ceremony In the spirit of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

(Gettysburg, Pennsylvania) - 4/28/2009





Mary Staub

Daughters of Charity

(301) 447-7124

[email protected]



On Saturday, May 23, 51 men and women from diverse backgrounds will be honored for their charitable works in the spirit of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton.


The ceremony is open to the general public, media, and family and friends of the award recipients at the Basilica of the National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, 333 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. The ceremony begins at 11 a.m. with a para-liturgy (prayer service) following the presentations and the service will conclude with a private luncheon for all recipients, special guests and committee members.


These honorees represent a diverse and worldwide group of people who have contributed in a significant way to social services, education, health care, promoting the awareness of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, or spiritual formation in the spirit of the Seton Legacy of Charity. The various categories represented by the recipients includes: Daughters of Charity, Sisters of Charity and other women religious, clergy, lay men and women and groups. 


Sister Mary Jean Horne, DC, commented, �As a Daughter of Charity, I am so pleased that the Emmitsburg Province saw fit to take this opportunity to publicly give recognition to our �Medalists�. Recognizing women and men who portray characteristics of Elizabeth Ann is a very direct way of acknowledging the strong influence of our Saintly Foundress. In their personal lives and in their many-faceted positions, they are actualizing the values and virtues Saint Elizabeth Ann taught on these very holy grounds.�


The Medal Award Ceremony is one of the many scheduled events throughout 2009 to celebrate the bicentennial of the arrival of Mother Seton into Emmitsburg. The highlight of the year is the three-day celebration beginning on July 31 and ending Aug. 2. 


All events, articles about the bicentennial, and lodging information can be found at