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Gettysburg Fringe Festival offers nearly 40 events

Schedule compliments second annual Gettysburg Festival, June 18-28

(Gettysburg, Pennsylvania) - 5/12/2009




Karen Hendricksk

PR/Marketing Director

[email protected]

(717) 334-0853

(717) 253-3553



The Gettysburg Fringe Festival is offering a full schedule of dynamic community events, June 18-28, throughout the Gettysburg and Adams County area. The Fringe Festival provides complimentary programming to The Gettysburg Festival�s slate of 100-plus cultural arts events occurring simultaneously, June 18-28.


Gettysburg Fringe Festival events include a multitude of events this June � everything from historic tours showcasing Gettysburg�s beautiful churches and a home, to a 5K run at one of Adams County�s community parks, plus everything in between � a magic show at the Adams County Library, a weaving demonstration and �meet and greet� with alpacas, an equestrian competition, a motorcycle drill team performance, plus a diverse offering of art exhibits, musical events, book signings and theater performances. There are also numerous appearances by plein air artists who will be painting Gettysburg landmarks, Festival scenes and more. The public is invited to watch them create beautiful works of art, live.


�The Fringe Festival�s fabulous lineup of events presents both residents and visitors alike with new and exciting ways to experience Adams County,� explains Fringe Festival Coordinator Phyllis Netherland. �The community surpassed all of my expectations, and it is an absolute pleasure to offer nearly 40 unique events this June. I think Gettysburg Festival attendees and Gettysburg Fringe Festival attendees are all in for a tremendous treat this June � there is truly something for everyone to see and do.�


The entire Gettysburg Fringe Festival lineup is posted on the Festival website, A program of events will be distributed throughout the Gettysburg area closer to the Festival dates. For more information on The Gettysburg Festival, visit or call (717) 334-0853.