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Civil War Encampment to be held at Gettysburg Train Station

(Gettysburg, Pennsylvania) - 5/14/2009




Carla E. Pavlick

Civil War Institute

(717) 337-6608

[email protected]



Members of the 88th Pennsylvania Volunteers will recreate the sights and sounds of a Civil War Hospital Memorial Day Weekend, May 23rd and 24th at the Historic Gettysburg Railroad Station, 35 Carlisle St., Gettysburg. There will be two presentations each day and re-enactors will be available for questions during regular hours. This event is free and open to the public. No tickets are required.


On the first day of the Battle of Gettysburg, the 88th Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment was on Oak Ridge under the command of General John Reynolds. The Confederates pushed the 88th back and through town. Regimental Surgeon John W. Rawlins and Francis Murphy helped treat wounded soldiers at The Historic Gettysburg Railroad Station when it was used as a field hospital.



11 a.m. Orientation

This informational program will describe how Civil War field

hospitals worked and will include a question and answer session.


2 p.m. Living Theatre Presentation

Character recreations of John W. Rawlins, Regimental Surgeon,

Joseph Shoemaker, and Francis Murphy, and other medical

personnel of the 88th Pennsylvania Volunteers. Recreations of

arm amputations, bullet probes, artillery facial burns, saber

wounds, etc. Embalming will also be demonstrated.

Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial

Commission and the Civil War Institute at Gettysburg College.

The purpose of the PA ALBC is to organize, arrange, and

coordinate bicentennial tributes to Abraham Lincoln in

Pennsylvania, and to coordinate those activities with the

Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission of the federal

government and other interested parties.