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Flower bouquets to adorn headstones at Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg

Event to honor fallen soldiers on Independence Day

(Gettysburg, Pennsylvania) - 6/30/2009




Midge Ripoli

Vice President, Flowers for Heroes

(877) 923-2769

[email protected]



In an effort to honor Americans who gave their lives serving our nation, a national organization will be in Gettysburg on Saturday – Independence Day – to place a bouquet of flowers on headstones at Soldiers’ National Cemetery.


Flowers for Heroes is an organization and charity dedicated to honor America’s fallen heroes and their families. The group is working to place red, white or blue flower displays in cemeteries at Gettysburg, Arlington, Antietam, Quantico and Normandy. The organization’s goal is to place 90,000 bouquets at cemeteries around the world.


“This is a day to honor those who have sacrificed everything for the freedoms we take for granted every day,” said Russ Phillips, Founder of Flowers for Heroes. “I created Flowers for Heroes because I want to honor those soldiers and also make a difference in the families that they left behind.”


Flowers for Heroes will begin at 8:30 a.m. on July 4 at the Soldiers’ National Cemetery. The organization will be at both the Taneytown Road and the Baltimore Street entrances to hand out bouquets to visitors to place on the headstone of their choice.


“This will be the first event of its kind at Gettysburg, and it will definitely be an amazing site to see,” said Phillips.


The group is still looking for volunteers that day to help with the bouquets. Those interested should call Midge Ripoli at (630) 542-0051.


Donations for the Flowers for Heroes program can be made online at