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Gettysburg Convention & Visitors Bureau sponsors holiday decorating contest for businesses

Borough merchants eligible to win $500 prize

(Gettysburg, Pennsylvania) - 11/3/2009

Carl Whitehill
Media Relations Manager
Gettysburg Convention &Visitors Bureau
(717) 338-1055
[email protected]
Gettysburg merchants – string your garland, thread the popcorn and light those candles. For the first time, the Gettysburg Convention & Visitors Bureau is sponsoring a holiday decorating contest for businesses in the borough.
“The Sounds of the Holidays in Gettysburg” storefront decorating contest begins Nov. 27 and runs until Jan. 1, 2010. Only businesses, not residences, are eligible for the $500 prize.
“This is a great way to get the Gettysburg business community involved in making the town look great during the holidays,” said Norris Flowers, President of the Gettysburg CVB. “We hope all Gettysburg business owners take part in this festive contest.”
Decorations must be visible from the street and fit the theme, “The Sounds of the Holidays in Gettysburg.” Also, decorations must be up by Nov. 27 and remain up until Jan. 1. Judging will take place anytime during that period. All participants much register with the CVB by Nov. 23.
Interested merchants can register by contacting Stacey Fox at the Gettysburg CVB and providing a contact name, business name, business address, phone number, email address and website. There is no feed to participate. Participants can either call Stacey Fox at 338-1052, email at [email protected] or mail the information to Gettysburg CVB, 571 W. Middle St., Gettysburg, PA 17325, Attn: Decorating Contest.
Winners of the $500 first place prize and second and third place prizes will be notified by January 8th.