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Plans for 150th Anniversary Re-enactment announced in Gettysburg, Pa.

Committee planning battle recreations, town reenactments

(Gettysburg, Pennsylvania) - 1/4/2010


Andrea DiMartino
Media Relations
Gettysburg Anniversary Committee
(717) 338-1525
[email protected]

On Nov. 21, the Gettysburg Anniversary Committee formally announced that the organization has started planning for the very significant Gettysburg 150th Anniversary National Civil War Reenactment.

According to GAC Operations Manager Randy Phiel, this very special reenactment will be held for four days on July 4, 5, 6, and 7, 2013, under the theme of “Capture a Rare Reenactment Memory.”

Phiel said that GAC is also anticipating both organizing and hosting a “150TH Gettysburg Anniversary Living History Weekend” on June 29 and 30, the weekend before the national event. Although details have yet to be firmed up, the living history weekend will include extensive living history, some potential field activities and possibly civilian interpretations.

“To begin serious planning four years out is a reflection of just what the scale and importance of this event is to the local community and to the reenactment community,” said Phiel. “The Gettysburg 145th (with 13,000 reenactors) was considered a ‘dry run’ for the 150th anniversary and came off with generally positive reviews from reenactors needing only ‘minor tweaks’.”

Phiel is also optimistic that prior to the 150th event, that the committee can again facilitate an unforgettable Grand Review through the streets of Gettysburg on Wednesday, July 3.  By working closely with community officials, GAC was able to inaugurate a very successful Grand Review in Gettysburg on a smaller scale at the beginning of the 145th  Reenactment in 2008. It concluded in front of the historic courthouse with local officials participating.

The Gettysburg Anniversary Committee is well known for organizing and hosting major Civil War reenactment events in Gettysburg annually for the past 15 years.

For additional information regarding the Gettysburg 150th Anniversary National Civil War Reenactment, the Gettysburg 150TH Anniversary Civil War Living History Weekend, or other Gettysburg reenactments, visit or call (717) 338-1525.

Gettysburg Reenactment Website