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Gettysburg Visitor Center unveils new artifacts

Battle flag for 149th Pennsylvania among new museum items

(Gettysburg, Pennsylvania) - 7/6/2010


Katie Lawhon
Gettysburg National Military Park
(717) 334-1124, ext. 3121
[email protected]

Three significant Gettysburg-related artifacts will make their debut at Gettysburg National Military Park’s Museum and Visitor Center on July 16, thanks to a contribution from a group of miniaturists and artists. 

The battle flag of the 149th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment will go on display for the first time at Gettysburg. The frock coat and sash of Captain Isaac Nicoll of the 124th New York Infantry will go on exhibit for the first time ever.

The 149th Pennsylvania was in heavy fighting on the first day of the battle of Gettysburg. Captain Nicoll’s infantry unit was also known as the Orange Blossoms. Nicoll was killed during intense fighting on the second day of the battle, when the Orange Blossoms defended against a Confederate assault on the Union left flank near Devil’s Den.

The display of these artifacts was made possible through a donation of $7,012 from the Artist Preservation Group, historical artists whose mission is to generate capital, through fundraising and donations, to aide in the preservation and restoration of threatened historical sites and/or artifacts.  The Artist Preservation Group provided funding for conservation work on the historic objects, which was necessary before they could be placed on exhibit.

The flag of the 149th Pennsylvania Infantry is on long-term loan to the park from the Pennsylvania Capitol Preservation Committee in Harrisburg, Pa.

“We are very grateful to the Artist Preservation Group for their financial support and to the Pennsylvania Capitol Preservation Committee for their efforts which is allowing us to properly conserve these pieces and bring them to the public for the first time in a museum environment,” said Superintendent Bob Kirby, Gettysburg National Military Park.

The objects will be on display beginning July 16 for up to two years.
The Gettysburg National Military Park Museum and Visitor Center is located at 1195 Baltimore Pike, Gettysburg.  For tickets or information about how to visit call 877-874-2478 or visit

Gettysburg NMP Visitor Center Website