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Gettysburg battlefield offers programs in 'real time'

National Military Park announces events for 147th anniversary

(Gettysburg, Pennsylvania) - 6/22/2010


Katie Lawhon
Gettysburg National Military Park
(717) 334-1124, ext. 3121
[email protected]

In commemoration of the 147th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg on July 1, 2 and 3, National Park Service Rangers at Gettysburg National Military Park will offer special programming designed for visitors of all ages and levels of interest. Detailed handouts are available at the Visitor Center information desk and on the park website at for each program.

All of these programs are free of charge.

Real-Time Programs – A series of 20 programs over three days offer an opportunity to understand the battle action at specific sites as close as possible to the hour of the particular engagement.  Programs range in length from 30 to 60 minutes and are presented in chronological order over the three-day anniversary. 
They provide brief snapshots of the dramatic events that took place at each site as close as possible to its “real time” during the battle. This year’s theme is “Famous Leaders and Fighting Men,” in which programs will focus on key leaders and units that helped shape the battle. Although visitors may attend any program on the schedule, each program links to the other programs in the series to create a narrative of the battle. Minimal walking is involved on each program, though visitors will need to make short drives between program locations.

Anniversary Battlewalks – These programs are designed for those visitors seeking more in-depth and immersive programs on specific events and areas of the battlefield. There are two walks on July 1, four on July 2, and three on July 3, including a special Pickett’s Charge program by a team of rangers that enables visitors to either follow the Confederate attack or the Union defense. Each walk lasts approximately three hours and may include up to two miles of walking. Some of the terrain covered can be moderately difficult and include tall grass. Water, headgear, sun screen, insect repellent and comfortable walking shoes are highly recommended.

Anniversary Programs for Young People – (ages 8-14) – On each day of the anniversary the park will offer a special program specifically geared for young people.  July 1 participants will fall in with General Buford’s Union cavalry. The July 2 program will place participants in the 15th Alabama Infantry and on July 3 they will serve with the artillery on Cemetery Ridge. Each program lasts one hour. Bring water, sun screen and good walking shoes.

All of the above programming is in addition to the park’s regular, daily ranger guided programs.  A schedule of these programs is available at the park’s information desk at the Museum and Visitor Center and on the park website at The summer programs run from mid-June through mid-August. Programs range in time length from 30 minutes to 2 hours.


Gettysburg National Military Park Website