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Starting gun on new Gettysburg marathon fires May 1

Inaugural race features unique two-course format

(Gettysburg, Pennsylvania) - 11/22/2010


Lowell Ladd
Media Relations
Gettysburg North-South Marathon
(866) 329-9382
[email protected]

The inaugural Gettysburg North-South Marathon – which features a unique two-course layout – kicks off May 1, 2011, during Gettysburg’s 150th Anniversary commemoration.

As part of this distinctive race, runners from former Union and Confederate states will run diverging courses.

“The course design reflects the unique historical events that took place in Gettysburg during the battle that was waged there in July 1863,” said Lowell Ladd, organizer of the Gettysburg North-South Marathon. “We hope that runners will both enjoy and admire this unique race format, tying in Gettysburg’s rich history.”

All runners will begin at a universal start line in Downtown Gettysburg. The course will head northwest out of town, passing through the campus of Gettysburg College, and traveling along the Gettysburg battlefield. At the two-mile mark, the two courses split. The runners will rejoin at the 24-mile mark to finish the marathon back in Downtown Gettysburg.

Both courses are fair with rolling hills and have similar elevation profiles, making for comparable racing by both sets of runners. The marathon also includes a four-person relay.

“My concept was to start a marathon with a historical theme that would be a historic event with a powerful backdrop, and put a unique spin on the 26.2-mile race concept,” said Ladd, who along with running, has a passion for Civil War history.

The marathon will occur during Gettysburg’s commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, which begins in April 2011.

“We’re excited to have this marathon part of this important national anniversary,” said Norris Flowerrs, President of the Gettysburg Convention & Visitors Bureau. “The race puts an emphasis on history and we expect the marathon will attract both great runners and great history buffs.”

For more information or to register for the Gettysburg North-South Marathon, visit or call (866) 329-9382.

Marathon Website