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Gettysburg to kick off 150th Anniversary in 2011

Event will feature re-enactment, living history programs and salute

(Gettysburg, Pennsylvania) - 11/15/2010


Carl Whitehill
Media Relations Manager
Gettysburg Convention & Visitors Bureau
(717) 338-1055
[email protected]

Historic Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, will kick off its five-year commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War on April 30, 2011.

The launch event will feature the advancement of Union and Confederate troops into this historic town, followed by living history encampments at various locations throughout Gettysburg, re-enactment skirmishes and a formal program in the evening.

The highlight of this event will be the firing of 150 cannon shots to salute the brave men and women who fought in the Civil War.

“This explosion of rolling artillery thunder has not been heard in the quiet hills surrounding Gettysburg since the battle almost 150 years ago,” said Bradley Hoch, Chairman of the 150th Anniversary Steering Committee.

Often considered the turning point of the Civil War, Gettysburg was the site of the war’s bloodiest battle, resulting in 51,000 casualties over three days in early July 1863.

This kickoff event is part of “The Invasion of Pennsylvania” – a series of Sesquicentennial kickoff events scheduled throughout Southcentral Pennsylvania, including Greencastle, Chambersburg, Fairfield and Gettysburg.

The “Invasion of Pennsylvania” will begin April 9 in Greencastle, Pa., with re-enactments and living history programs to recreate the famous Civil War skirmish on the town square. On April 16, Chambersburg will follow with a re-enactment and other programs throughout the day.

In nearby Fairfield, plans are under way to hold living history activities on April 23 to recreate the cavalry skirmish that took place on July 3. Had the Union not been defeated at Fairfield, they could have blocked Lee’s retreat and changed the course of the Civil War.

Throughout the next five years, Gettysburg will be host to numerous 150th Anniversary events. For a list of 150th Anniversary events, visit

The Gettysburg Area 150th Anniversary Steering Committee was established to coordinate the commemoration of the American Civil War in Gettysburg and Adams County, Pa.; to participate in Pennsylvania’s statewide efforts; and to achieve an inclusive, positive legacy and long-term benefit for residents of and visitors to Gettysburg and Adams County.

Gettysburg's 150th Anniversary Commemoration Website