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Gettysburg CVB launches new walking tour app

Visitors, residents can now use iPhones for history tour of Civil War town

(Gettysburg, Pennsylvania) - 7/6/2012


Carl Whitehill
Media Relations Manager
Gettysburg Convention & Visitors Bureau
(717) 338-1055
[email protected]

The Gettysburg Convention & Visitors Bureau recently launched its Gettysburg Walking Tour app for the iPhone, which will give visitors and residents an interactive way to experience the rich Civil War history of Downtown Gettysburg.

The iPhone highlights key landmarks in Gettysburg and features voice-over narration of the historic locations as walkers make their way through town. Sites include the Historic Gettysburg Train Station, The Globe Inn, the Hoke-Codori House, The Fahnstock House as well as highlights of such well-known Gettysburg citizens as Jennie Wade, Thaddeus Stevens and the Pierce, Garlach and Shriver families.

The sites included in the app center around the struggle, sacrifice and efforts to rebuild by the citizens of Gettysburg before, during and after the epic Civil War battle in July 1863. Additionally, the app features sites and stories of President Abraham Lincoln’s visit to Gettysburg nearly five months later to deliver the Gettysburg Address.

“The goal of this app is not only to share Gettysburg’s Civil War history, but to make people aware of the experiences along the way,” said Flowers. “People are encouraged to take a break, grab a bite to eat, or stop in a museum that further illustrates the experience described in the app.”

The app also includes a list of events throughout Adams County, along with nearby businesses to visit as people walk the tour. Each of the CVB’s members are included, along with a GPS navigation tool to help users get from their current locations to the sites around Adams County.

The free app is available through iTunes at

The Gettysburg Convention & Visitors Bureau, the official tourism promotion agency, markets Gettysburg – Adams County as a premier travel destination, producing a positive economic impact.

To Purchase iPhone App